auguri di buon pensionamento ad Teresa

Sentiti auguri di buon pensionamento ad Teresa. Grazie per il lavoro svolto in questi 19 anni. Brandoni SpA

Brandoni parteciperà alla Feria Multiproducto

Brandoni parteciperà alla 4° Feria Multiproducto di Ferretería Ubetense a Úbeda (Jaén). L’evento annuale, che si svolgerà il 6 e il 7 giugno 2023, coincide con il 50° Anniversario di Ferreteria Ubetense, azienda leader nei principali settori...

DM 174 drinking water brandonivalves
Suitable for drinking water application comply with Italian regulation D.M.174

Suitable for drinking water application, comply with Italian regulation D.M.174. Samples have been put into contact with extraction water for 24 hours at 40°C. Sample tested give a leaching value which respects regulation limit.   Valves: -series B1 -series...

I’ll tell you...How the way of working and selling has changed

I’ll tell you stories, events and memories of these 60 years together   Work and sell How the way of working and selling has changed over the years   How has the way of working changed in these 60 years? Gian Renzo works at night in a factory and during the day...

Maneuver group for water or sewage water pumping

Maneuver group for water or sewage water pumping for agricultural fields irrigation. Used valves: -Ball check valve series 07 -Butterfly valve series L9 -Inox ball valves series 03-04

I’ll tell you...How Brandoni was born

I’ll tell you Stories, events and memories of these 60 years together   How Brandoni was born Two brothers Gian Renzo and Pier Franco, and a choice   << This decision changed our life >>   Watch the video on...